The Veneto Region of Italy
A Spectacular Region for Wine
Verona, Provincial Capital of Veneto
Our label represents a map of the city of Verona with the Adige River flowing through the main part of town.
The river begins in the Alps near the France/Austria/Italy border, flows through the Val d’Adige, through Verona, and into the Adriatic Sea south of Venice.
Verona is a provincial capital of Veneto. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site – but more importantly, it is a spectacular region for wine.
The Dolomites , the Alps, are part of the reason this region of Italy is appropriate for these wines. The soils are predominantly limestone base – as the mountains of the Alto Adige show.
The Becco di Filadonna
The Becco di Filadonna belongs to the massif of the Vigolana.
It is a limestone mountain of 7,054 meters (21,000 feet), just southeast of Trento in the Alto Adige region.
From its summit, one of the widest and amazing panoramas upon the Prealps of Trento, one has a wide view on the town of Trento and up to the summits of the dolomites of Italian border.
“Becco” means “Beak” in Italian. Becco di Filadonna is the summit of the mountain. The Limestone is the basis for the soil in the Alto-Adige region of Italy.
The foundation of the Filadonna family of wines is born from this region.
The red grapes of Valpolicella.
Corvina Grapes
Corvinone Grapes
Rondinella Grapes
Oselata Grapes